Catholic schools deserve the best textbooks. With Catholic Textbook Project, you can bring balance, perspective, and hope back into the hearts and minds of your students—these are the only history textbooks written with the freedom for truth that Catholic schools enjoy. Our textbooks meet and exceed standards while educating and inspiring students with the great drama of our history.
The "Second Coming in Wrath": August 6, 1945
The End of Milan's Revolution: July 25, 1848
The Beginning of the Spanish Civil War: July 17-20, 1936
First Blood in Paris: July 14-17, 1789
Napoleon Seizes the Pope: July 6, 1809
The Cristeros Lay Down Their Arms: June 27, 1929
The Revolution Crushes the Socialists: June 23-27, 1848
Napoleon's Near Disaster at Marengo: June 14, 1800
The King Condemns Voltaire: June 10, 1734
Examining Primary Sources in High School History
The Role of Monks in Building Western Civilization
The Killing of a Compromise: May 25, 1854
A New Government for Germany and Austria’s Defiance: May 18, 20, 1848
King Charles Betrays His Friend: May 10, 1641
Frémont Turns Back: May 8, 1846
Theseus and the Liberation of Athens
The Führer’s Immolation: April 30, 1945
Antoine-Frédéric Accepts the Challenge: April 23, 1833
From the Founding General Editor, CTP
Luther and the Diet of Worms: April 17, 1521